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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

what did I miss out on

i‘m walking into the
liquor store
sweatpants, zip up
sweatshirt, hood on
leather jacket
boots wrapped up tightly
got to be mid thirties out
a broad is standing there
bouncing back and forth
vicious but pretty smile
on her face
she also is in her sweats
her mouth moves
up and down
and she asks me for
.50 cents
i tell her i
aint got it
i walk past her and
in to the store
grab a twelve pack
of Michelob (bottles) and
a six of miller light (cans)
i was in there for no more
than 10 minutes and when
i walk out she is gone
someone else must have
fulfilled her wants
i do wonder what
.50 cents buys

Saturday, January 12, 2013

censorship & creativity

There is no such thing as creativity with censorship and when censorship works It’s way into the creativity there is nothing. A blank page and blank canvas. When censorship is implemented it takes away from that individual. Some might not appreciate or understand one’s creative process or where it all came from but it should not be held dormant. The words used or colors chosen are for individual expression. If one just listens to individual words or focuses on individual colors than the meaning gets lost. One might not like a piece written or a piece of art or it might not fit one’s lifestyle and that is individual choice; but this does not mean there is no meaning. When one shares experiences in any manner it is theirs. To create other than what one creates is asking one to forego who they are.