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Sunday, January 25, 2015

poem for academia

I don’t spit, recite (from my head), perform or slam
I am not sought after for events
I don’t travel the country to share
I have been rejected for my words
I self publish
I don’t use proper form or enough metaphors
I don’t spin heads, encourage finger snapping or
Make women wet, as words roll from my tongue
I just drink, write bullshit and read 

why wait

i’m sitting at the computer
sipping on Jim Beam
staring at my broken window
it’s all rotted out on the bottom

needs a new latch
so i can shut it properly
to keep the cold winds out
during the winter season

i’ve been putting it off
now for a year and a half
because it does not seem that
important, until i’m sitting here
and then i’m reminded
of what needs to be done

it’s like many things in life

i suppose that one cliché does fit
‘don’t put off tomorrow
what can be done today”
because tomorrow might not
even get here


are built on games, two faces,
fraud, untruths, half truths, some truths
and misery mixed with
some happiness in between

unless of course your the lucky
few that can keep that smile plastered on
and find that contentment to keep moving

as time goes by
the conversations are reduced
to questions with short answers
or no answers at all

date nights consist of
silent lips moving up & down
mouthing topics about the kids
pending weather
and bills

that’s why animals just mate
they know better