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Sunday, July 22, 2012

a poem for casey anthony

i sent her copies of my books
i  figured why not
i sent them to oprah, stern 
and ellen without a response
so why not an accused murderer

i thought that she might need 
some entertainment if the circus
she is involved with is running dry

i’m not going to judge her
everyone else is doing a fine job at that
its not that I have no heart or soul
because it is heart breaking 
when I look at pictures of that little girl 
and question how
anyone could have taken her life 
even if it were her mother
but I have no time to ponder
questions I will never have answers to

I did write,

“ if you didn’t do it than your screwed anyway 
because society turns shit like this into a spectacle; 
but if you, did take responsibility you piece of shit"

if not for nothing maybe 
ill get a signed nude pic of her

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