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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


i’m starting to resemble those

people I laughed at

picked on

stole from

when they were

not looking

i’m now

the guy

sitting at a coffee shop


coffee after coffee

reading poetry books

headphones in my ears

writing in between

of course a little bit “cooler”

because my motorcycle helmet

and tattoos are prominently displayed

i guess this is me now

a me i never thought

i would be

it’s not that bad

it could be worse

people could actually

show interest and want

to speak to me


  1. Hi John,

    we met today at the Nu Cafe; I am the guy that was playing guitar. I'm glad I was one of those "people [that] could actually show interest and want to speak to me." It has been worthwhile; it has led me to your poetry. Nice stuff!

    Since I have to pick a profile to comment, I picked livejournal; I have an account, but I don't think there's much there; I've been mostly playing guitar. Maybe I'll get back to writing when my fingers freeze up!

    I hope we meet again.

    Tom Ewart

  2. Thanks for checking it out. I appreciate.
